xero_one's "A-Train 2001" exploits

The page has been translated through the English editor's knowledge of the game, machine translation, and information from the website administrator.
Please forgive any mistranslation.

Troubleshooting City Development

Here we will explain the various messages you'll see when developing your city, and how to resolve their problems. When developing the city you might get into trouble and think "What does that message even mean ?"

"Development is stagnant. Further development is expected."

The way to deal with this message varies from station to station. Let's look at city stations. If the station platform is small, consider upgrading it to a wider platform or higher station type (but if it's an agricultural station it needs to be small or of the rural type). Freight stations require a similar method.
Next, let's look at the trains travelling to and from the station. If during peak hours the train is full (150% capacity for commuter, 120% capacity for suburban, and 100% capacity for express) then consider increasing the number of trains or the number of carriages. Though it's easy to add more trains, be careful of the increased running costs and expenses. If it still fails to develop then consider extending the route to more stations or refreshing buildings along the streets.

In the following scenario it's possible for the message to still appear :
Industry type : Commercial with large urban / city station
Trains used : Commuter type trains with full passengers and 5 cars per train
City development : Full of small commercial facilities

If this happens you're not able to increase the station building size, number of trains, or number of cars per train. This means the best you can do is extend the route to more stations. Even doing that does not guarantee success and it's possible that the only thing you can do is start the station afresh in a new area.

"Development is stagnant. Improvement between station connections is required."

It's likely that the station is connected to an incompatible industry. For example, "Industrial <-> Commercial" and "Residential <-> Residential" will give you this message. You'll need to change one of the industries or add compatible industries next to the station. These industries are explained on the "Industry Statistics and Methods of Development" page.
If the problem happens to an industrial station with the formation "Residential <-> Industrial <-> Residential" then remove the industrial station. Once removed, don't pass the time and construct the station back in the same location immediately. It'll develop slowly. If the problem happens again then repeat the process. xero_one claims that by following this method he had the industrial district reach large development.

"Development is stagnant. Passengers numbers are low."

If this message is left too long then the city will collapse.
The solution I'm sure you can already guess : Increase the number of passengers at the destination.
If compatible industries are connected then there is a higher ridership between the two stations and the problem will be resolved. You could also increase the number of trains or carriages.
There is one thing important to note here. You cannot safely say that the number of passengers that gets off at a station will contribute to that station's ridership, under certain circumstances. For example, suppose a train travels from Station A to Station B with 1,000 passengers and drops off 20 passengers. The remaining 980 passengers that return to Station A do not get counted towards Station A's ridership even if they disembark there, because Station A was their station of origin. As a solution you should try and make train routes at least 3 stations long, this will increase the number of passengers using all stations.

"Development is stagnant. There is a shortage of materials."

If this message is left unchecked then the city will begin to collapse.
It means that the "Living Materials" required to sustain that city are insufficient. Focus on delivering Living Materials rather than Construction Materials to its freight station. Also, check the distance between the passenger station and freight station. If it's too far then you will get the same message. Small freight stations need to be without about 100 tiles of a station, where as large freight stations have a 130 tile reach.
If your industrial district is not well developed and you can't keep up with production then only focus on delivering materials from 22:00 to 23:59. They will then be consumed as Living Materials at midnight.

"Development is stagnant. There is no land suitable for development."

First, let's check the land surrounding the station. If it is located near obstructions like rivers and mountains then you will get this error message. Unfortunately, it's likely the only solution is to construct the station in a different location. (You can terraform mountains but it destroys scenery and is difficult so we'll skip that).
This problem can also arise depending on your attraction range. Suppose you want to attract commercial around a station. If you do a large area of attraction (say a radius of 30 tiles from the station centre) then you could end up with this message. In order to fix it you need to reduce the attraction area by making the distant parts an unassigned attraction. It can also happen with industrial and residential areas when attracted severely, so let's try and limit our attraction.

"It is under development."

Though we see some development in this state, only small apartments, factories, and shops will be built, then the message of "Development is stagnant. Further development is expected." will be issued. In order to avoid this, we must decide on what industry we want the station to be, then attract around the station appropriately.
If this situation happens when you try and attract tourism, then you can consider that a failed station. When left as is, only road will grow, followed by the message "Development is stagnant. There is no land suitable for development." This could indicate that the distance between commercial and tourism could be too great. Trains with speed 2 or 3 should aim to get to tourism from commercial in under 30 minutes. Tourism development will then begin with the message "Tourism development is underway." once you've appropriately attracted tourism areas.
The information is based on the experiences and observations of xero_one.
Because of this, success is not guaranteed even when the steps are correctly followed.

Noripyon made corrections and changes to various places (2015/08/24)
Translated by Kresna (2016/11/18)


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